scholarship Application

Thank you for applying for a scholarship from The Michael Wassmer Foundation. Our goal is to understand you as a person—what’s important to you, what motivates you, and how you reflect Mike Wassmer’s core values as we have described them throughout this website.

The application should be completed entirely online, but let us know if you need to make alternate arrangements. You'll find the answers to most questions on our FAQ page. If you have a question that is not addressed there, email us at

Good luck with your application!

Before you start, you should gather the application’s required materials. Note that this form does not provide the ability to save your progress and return at a later time to continue. If you close or refresh this page before submitting it, the form will reset.

  • Download and save your FAFSA Submission Summary (or your VASA Aid Report, if applicable) Instructions for downloading your FAFSA Submission Summary
  • Obtain an unofficial high school transcript that includes your first semester grades.
  • Produce a video (no longer than three minutes) explaining how receiving this scholarship would impact your life and how you plan on giving back to your community. Upload it to YouTube as an unlisted video. Instructions

Initial statement of verification

I plan to be graduating from high school in the Spring of 2025

I have a cumulative UNWEIGHTED GPA of at least 3.5

I reside in the City of Richmond or any of the following counties: Chesterfield, Goochland, Hanover and Henrico

I have completed the 2025-2026 FAFSA or VASA and have a Student Aid Index of 25,000 or less

I plan on enrolling at a 4 year accredited US college or university in the Fall of 2025

Personal Information

Qualified applicants must reside in the City of Richmond or any of the following counties: Chesterfield, Goochland, Hanover and Henrico.

High School Information

If your transcript does not include your unweighted GPA, see FAQs for information on how to calculate it.

Employment Information

List your employers, positions held, and how long you have worked at each job. Also include how many hours a week you worked during the summer and during the school year. Example: Walmart - Cashier, 2021- present - 10 hours per week during school, 20 hours per week in the summer

Extracurricular Activities

List your extracurricular activities, including the number of hours per week, the number of weeks per year, and the number of years that you participated. Also include any leadership roles you have held. Example: Sideline Cheer -20 weeks/year -10 hours/week - 9,10,11,12 - Captain

Community Service and Volunteer Work

List your work in the community, including the type of activity, and the approximate number of hours you committed to it. Example: Organized food drive - Fall 2023 - 20 hours

Family Obligations

Use this space to let us know if you have any obligations/commitments to your family that take up your time. This could include caring for younger siblings, taking care of an elderly relative, etc. Leave blank if this does not pertain to you.

Awards and Honors

Please list any awards and honors you have received.

College Plans

Financial Information

To better understand your financial need, we are requesting the following items:

  • FAFSA Submission Summary (or VASA student aid report, if applicable) to be uploaded in "File Attachments" section below (Instructions).
  • Statement of Financial Need (Optional) - Is there anything that you would like the scholarship committee to know about your financial situation that is not reflected in your FAFSA Submission Summary? If so, submit a short statement in the space below.

Recommendation Letter

The Wassmer Foundation scholarship requires a letter of recommendation.

The person you choose to write your recommendation must be an adult, over the age of 21, who is not related to you. You should choose an individual who is familiar with your character, work ethic, and goals. Examples of recommenders include, but are not limited to, a neighbor, family friend, counselor, religious leader, teacher or employer.

Recommendations must be sent directly by the individual of your choice to Letters must be received by March 8th, one week after the application deadline, in order for your application to be considered complete.


We have shared a lot about what Mike valued and exemplified, including determination, compassion, resilience, and integrity. We would like to learn more about how you reflect Mike’s values. (500 words)

What are your educational plans and career interests? What led you to make these plans? How do you plan on achieving them? (300 words)

Some students have experiences (e.g. caring for a sick family member) that impact them in ways that are not reflected in the materials associated with this application. Please take this opportunity to share any additional information that you think would help us evaluate your application. (optional)

Video Submission

Upload a video that is no longer than 3 minutes:

  • How would receiving this scholarship impact your life?
  • How do you see yourself supporting your community and making the world a better place?

Instructions for uploading an unlisted video to Youtube

File Attachments

Please upload the following two attachments:

  • Unofficial high school transcript, including your first semester grades
  • Your FAFSA Submission Summary Instructions

No Files ChosenAccepted file types: jpg, jpeg, jpe, gif, png, pdf, docx. Max. file size: 49 MB

Final Statement of Verification

I certify that I am eligible for the scholarship and all information provided is correct to the best of my knowledge.